Arctic Ducks in Norway
It’s taken a while for me to get this video edit complete! There was a lot of footage and I wanted to show the best moments. With wildlife footage, you often get hours of footage of very similar content and it’s tricky picking out just the top moments. I’d like to film less but sometimes you cannot predict wildlife so you need to wait for the magic to happen!
Anyhow! These are my favourite shots from three days in an arctic duck photo hide. These hides are located in the Båtsfjord harbour on the water. We needed to arrive before sunrise which meant waking up at 3:30am. We stayed in the hide for five hours and then went into the fjord to take photos from the boat. The rest of the day was mostly spent in our hotel room because we were so tired from the early start!
I hope you enjoy the video and the photos! Next video will be about photographing puffins in snow!